The Right Decision with the Right Information

Advisory services

Do you have questions about business valuation or transfer? Neqtar is an experienced M&A advisor capable of providing a range of qualified services, all aimed at helping you make the right decisions in the transaction process.

We Make the Complex Simple

A business transaction is a complicated process involving various steps. Neqtar is well-versed in all these steps, from initial contact and research, through documentation and management meetings, to bids, negotiations, and contract drafting. We are happy to act as a sounding board and advisor, for all or parts of the transaction process, to ensure you have accurate decision-making information.

Sustainable Advisory

We believe in long-term relationships, and it’s no coincidence that our network includes contacts we’ve worked with for years. For instance, we like to follow entrepreneurs from an early stage and develop an exit strategy. By being well-prepared, you can efficiently and smoothly initiate a process if a buyer suddenly expresses interest in acquiring the business. Conversely, we work long-term with expanding companies, proactively providing information on interesting acquisition targets.

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